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This module is designed to address classification issues caused by occasional template expansion errors combined with the caching system on this site.

This module is only applicable in the template namespace.


  • **1**: The name of the category to be added.
  • **2**: Category index, usually used to adjust sorting or prioritize the main entry of a series in the category page.
  • **nsid**: The namespace(s) in which the template is effective. Use numeric codes as defined in Help:Namespace. Supports the use of half-width commas as separators.
  • **nsidExclude**: Namespaces to exclude. If the **nsid** parameter is filled and not empty, this parameter will not take effect.
  • **noSubpage**: Excludes subpages, which can help handle incorrect template references on users' main pages.
  • **strict**: Used for wrappers other than {{SafeCate}}, such as {{TemplateCate}}. This parameter must be set for the template to take effect, ensuring strict namespace restrictions.

local module = {}

local function _isvalid(value)
	return value ~= nil and type(value) == "string" and mw.text.trim(value) ~= ""

function module.main(frame)
	local strict = frame
	local parent = frame:getParent()
	if not _isvalid(frame.args[1]) then
		if not (parent and _isvalid(parent.args[1])) then return end
		local title = parent:getTitle()
		if title == "Template:SafeCate" then
			strict, frame = parent, parent
		elseif == 10 and frame.args["strict"]=="1" then
			frame = parent
		else return end
	local cate = frame.args[1]
	local mod = frame.args[2]
	local nsMap = { }
	local bExclude, nsids = false, nil
	if strict.args["nsid"] then
		nsids = mw.text.split(strict.args["nsid"], ",", true)
	elseif strict.args["nsidExclude"] then
		bExclude = true
		nsids = mw.text.split(strict.args["nsidExclude"], ",", true)
	if nsids then
		for _, value in ipairs(nsids) do
			nsMap[tonumber(value)] = true
		nsMap[0] = true
	local noSubpage = (strict).args["noSubpage"]=="1"
	local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
	local curNsid = title.namespace
	if ((nsMap[curNsid] and (not bExclude)) or ((not nsMap[curNsid]) and bExclude)) and ((not noSubpage) or (not title.isSubpage)) then
		if curNsid == 10 and title.isSubpage and title.subpageText == "doc" then return end
		if mod then
			return "[[Category:"..cate.."|"..mod.."]]"
			return "[[Category:"..cate.."]]"

return module