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// See [[mw:Reference Tooltips]] // Source /*eslint space-in-parens: ["error", "always"], array-bracket-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/ ( function () { // If you're loading the script from another wiki and want to set your settings, do that in `window` // properties with `rt_` prefix, e.g. // window.rt_REF_LINK_SELECTOR = '...'; // They will be used instead of enwiki detaults. var REF_LINK_SELECTOR = window.rt_REF_LINK_SELECTOR || '.reference, a[href^="#CITEREF"]', COMMENTED_TEXT_CLASS = window.rt_COMMENTED_TEXT_CLASS || 'rt-commentedText', COMMENTED_TEXT_SELECTOR = ( window.rt_COMMENTED_TEXT_SELECTOR || ( COMMENTED_TEXT_CLASS ? '.' + COMMENTED_TEXT_CLASS + ', ' : '' ) + 'abbr[title]' ); if ( mw.messages.get( 'rt-settings' ) === null ) { mw.messages.set( { 'rt-settings': 'Reference Tooltips settings', 'rt-enable-footer': 'Enable Reference Tooltips', 'rt-settings-title': 'Reference Tooltips', 'rt-save': 'Save', 'rt-enable': 'Enable Reference Tooltips', 'rt-activationMethod': 'Show a tooltip when I\'m', 'rt-hovering': 'hovering a reference', 'rt-clicking': 'clicking a reference', 'rt-delay': 'Delay before the tooltip appears (in milliseconds)', 'rt-tooltipsForComments': 'Show the tooltip over <span title="Tooltip example" class="' + ( COMMENTED_TEXT_CLASS || 'rt-commentedText' ) + '" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor: help;">text with a dotted underline</span> in Reference Tooltips style (allows to see such tooltips on devices with no mouse support)', 'rt-disabledNote': 'You can re-enable Reference Tooltips using a link in the footer of the page.', 'rt-done': 'Done', 'rt-enabled': 'Reference Tooltips are enabled' } ); } // "Global" variables var SECONDS_IN_A_DAY = 60 * 60 * 24, CLASSES = { FADE_IN_DOWN: 'rt-fade-in-down', FADE_IN_UP: 'rt-fade-in-up', FADE_OUT_DOWN: 'rt-fade-out-down', FADE_OUT_UP: 'rt-fade-out-up' }, IS_TOUCHSCREEN = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement, // Quite a rough check for mobile browsers, a mix of what is advised at // (sends to // // and IS_MOBILE = /Mobi|Android/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) || typeof window.orientation !== 'undefined', CLIENT_NAME = $.client.profile().name, settingsString, settings, enabled, delay, activatedByClick, tooltipsForComments, cursorWaitCss, windowManager, $teleportTarget, $body = $( document.body ), $window = $( window ), $overlay = $( '<div>' ) .addClass( 'rt-overlay' ) .appendTo( $body ); // Can't use before is resolved // mw.loader.using( '' ).then( function ( require ) { // $teleportTarget = $( require( '' ).teleportTarget ); // $overlay.appendTo( $teleportTarget ); // } ); function rt( $content ) { // Popups gadget if ( ) { return; } var teSelector, settingsDialogOpening = false; function setSettingsCookie() { mw.cookie.set( 'RTsettings', ( Number( enabled ) + '|' + delay + '|' + Number( activatedByClick ) + '|' + Number( tooltipsForComments ) ), { path: '/', expires: 90 * SECONDS_IN_A_DAY, prefix: '' } ); } function enableRt() { enabled = true; setSettingsCookie(); $( '.rt-enableItem' ).remove(); rt( $content ); mw.notify( mw.msg( 'rt-enabled' ) ); } function disableRt() { $content.find( teSelector ).removeClass( 'rt-commentedText' ).off( '.rt' ); $ '.rt' ); $ '.rt' ); } function addEnableLink() { // #footer-places – Vector // #f-list – Timeless, Monobook, Modern // parent of #footer li – Cologne Blue var $footer = $( '#footer-places, #f-list' ); if ( !$footer.length ) { $footer = $( '#footer li' ).parent(); } if ( !$footer.find( '.rt-enableItem' ).length ) { $footer.append( $( '<li>' ) .addClass( 'rt-enableItem' ) .append( $( '<a>' ) .text( mw.msg( 'rt-enable-footer' ) ) .attr( 'href', '#' ) .click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); enableRt(); } ) ) ); } } function TooltippedElement( $element ) { var events, te = this; function onStartEvent( e ) { var showRefArgs; if ( activatedByClick && te.type !== 'commentedText' && e.type !== 'contextmenu' ) { e.preventDefault(); } if ( !te.noRef ) { showRefArgs = [ $( this ) ]; if ( te.type !== 'supRef' ) { showRefArgs.push( e.pageX, e.pageY ); } te.showRef.apply( te, showRefArgs ); } } function onEndEvent() { if ( !te.noRef ) { te.hideRef(); } } if ( !$element ) { return; } // TooltippedElement.$element and TooltippedElement.$originalElement will be different when // the first is changed after its cloned version is hovered in a tooltip this.$element = $element; this.$originalElement = $element; if ( this.$ REF_LINK_SELECTOR ) ) { if ( this.$element.prop( 'tagName' ) === 'SUP' ) { this.type = 'supRef'; } else { this.type = 'harvardRef'; } } else { this.type = 'commentedText'; this.comment = this.$element.attr( 'title' ); if ( !this.comment ) { return; } this.$element.addClass( 'rt-commentedText' ); } if ( activatedByClick ) { events = { 'click.rt': onStartEvent }; // Adds an ability to see tooltips for links if ( this.type === 'commentedText' && ( this.$element.closest( 'a' ).length || this.$element.has( 'a' ).length ) ) { events[ 'contextmenu.rt' ] = onStartEvent; } } else { events = { 'mouseenter.rt': onStartEvent, 'mouseleave.rt': onEndEvent }; } this.$element.on( events ); this.hideRef = function ( immediately ) { clearTimeout( te.showTimer ); if ( this.type === 'commentedText' ) { this.$element.attr( 'title', this.comment ); } if ( this.tooltip && this.tooltip.isPresent ) { if ( activatedByClick || immediately ) { this.tooltip.hide(); } else { this.hideTimer = setTimeout( function () { te.tooltip.hide(); }, 200 ); } } else if ( this.$ref && this.$ref.hasClass( 'rt-target' ) ) { this.$ref.removeClass( 'rt-target' ); if ( activatedByClick ) { $ 'click.rt touchstart.rt', this.onBodyClick ); } } }; this.showRef = function ( $element, ePageX, ePageY ) { // Popups gadget if ( ) { disableRt(); return; } if ( this.tooltip && !this.tooltip.$content.length ) { return; } var tooltipInitiallyPresent = this.tooltip && this.tooltip.isPresent; function reallyShow() { var viewportTop, refOffsetTop, teHref; if ( !te.$ref && !te.comment ) { teHref = te.type === 'supRef' ? te.$element.find( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ) : te.$element.attr( 'href' ); // harvardRef te.$ref = teHref && $( '#' + $.escapeSelector( teHref.slice( 1 ) ) ); if ( !te.$ref || !te.$ref.length || !te.$ref.text() ) { te.noRef = true; return; } } if ( !tooltipInitiallyPresent && !te.comment ) { viewportTop = $window.scrollTop(); refOffsetTop = te.$ref.offset().top; if ( !activatedByClick && viewportTop < refOffsetTop && viewportTop + $window.height() > refOffsetTop + te.$ref.height() && // There can be gadgets/scripts that make references horizontally scrollable. $window.width() > te.$ref.offset().left + te.$ref.width() ) { // Highlight the reference itself te.$ref.addClass( 'rt-target' ); return; } } if ( !te.tooltip ) { te.tooltip = new Tooltip( te ); if ( !te.tooltip.$content.length ) { return; } } // If this tooltip is called from inside another tooltip. We can't define it // in the constructor since a ref can be cloned but have the same Tooltip object; // so, Tooltip.parent is a floating value. te.tooltip.parent = te.$element.closest( '.rt-tooltip' ).data( 'tooltip' ); if ( te.tooltip.parent && te.tooltip.parent.disappearing ) { return; }; if ( tooltipInitiallyPresent ) { if ( te.tooltip.$element.hasClass( 'rt-tooltip-above' ) ) { te.tooltip.$element.addClass( CLASSES.FADE_IN_DOWN ); } else { te.tooltip.$element.addClass( CLASSES.FADE_IN_UP ); } return; } te.tooltip.calculatePosition( ePageX, ePageY ); $window.on( 'resize.rt', te.onWindowResize ); } // We redefine this.$element here because can be a reference link inside // a reference tooltip, not a link that was initially assigned to this.$element this.$element = $element; if ( this.type === 'commentedText' ) { this.$element.attr( 'title', '' ); } if ( activatedByClick ) { if ( tooltipInitiallyPresent || ( this.$ref && this.$ref.hasClass( 'rt-target' ) ) ) { return; } else { setTimeout( function () { $body.on( 'click.rt touchstart.rt', te.onBodyClick ); }, 0 ); } } if ( activatedByClick || tooltipInitiallyPresent ) { reallyShow(); } else { this.showTimer = setTimeout( reallyShow, delay ); } }; this.onBodyClick = function ( e ) { if ( !te.tooltip && !( te.$ref && te.$ref.hasClass( 'rt-target' ) ) ) { return; } var $current = $( ); function contextMatchesParameter( parameter ) { return this === parameter; } // The last condition is used to determine cases when a clicked tooltip is the current // element's tooltip or one of its descendants while ( $current.length && ( !$current.hasClass( 'rt-tooltip' ) || !$ 'tooltip' ) || !$ 'tooltip' ).upToTopParent( contextMatchesParameter, [ te.tooltip ], true ) ) ) { $current = $current.parent(); } if ( !$current.length ) { te.hideRef(); } }; this.onWindowResize = function () { te.tooltip.calculatePosition(); }; } function Tooltip( te ) { function openSettingsDialog() { var settingsDialog, settingsWindow; if ( cursorWaitCss ) { cursorWaitCss.disabled = true; } function SettingsDialog() { this ); } OO.inheritClass( SettingsDialog, OO.ui.ProcessDialog ); = 'settingsDialog'; SettingsDialog.static.title = mw.msg( 'rt-settings-title' ); SettingsDialog.static.actions = [ { modes: 'main', action: 'save', label: mw.msg( 'rt-save' ), flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ] }, { modes: 'main', flags: [ 'safe', 'close' ] }, { modes: 'disabled', action: 'deactivated', label: mw.msg( 'rt-done' ), flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ] } ]; SettingsDialog.prototype.initialize = function () { var dialog = this; SettingsDialog.parent.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); this.enableCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget( { selected: true } ); this.enableCheckbox.on( 'change', function ( selected ) { dialog.activationMethodSelect.setDisabled( !selected ); dialog.delayInput.setDisabled( !selected || dialog.clickOption.isSelected() ); dialog.tooltipsForCommentsCheckbox.setDisabled( !selected ); } ); this.enableField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.enableCheckbox, { label: mw.msg( 'rt-enable' ), align: 'inline', classes: [ 'rt-enableField' ] } ); this.clickOption = new OO.ui.RadioOptionWidget( { label: mw.msg( 'rt-clicking' ) } ); this.hoverOption = new OO.ui.RadioOptionWidget( { label: mw.msg( 'rt-hovering' ) } ); this.activationMethodSelect = new OO.ui.RadioSelectWidget( { items: [ this.hoverOption, this.clickOption ] } ); this.activationMethodSelect.selectItem( activatedByClick ? this.clickOption : this.hoverOption ); this.activationMethodSelect.on( 'choose', function ( item ) { dialog.delayInput.setDisabled( item === dialog.clickOption ); } ); this.activationMethodField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.activationMethodSelect, { label: mw.msg( 'rt-activationMethod' ), align: 'top' } ); this.delayInput = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( { input: { value: delay }, step: 50, min: 0, max: 5000, disabled: activatedByClick, classes: [ 'rt-numberInput' ] } ); this.delayField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.delayInput, { label: mw.msg( 'rt-delay' ), align: 'top' } ); this.tooltipsForCommentsCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget( { selected: tooltipsForComments } ); this.tooltipsForCommentsField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.tooltipsForCommentsCheckbox, { label: new OO.ui.HtmlSnippet( mw.msg( 'rt-tooltipsForComments' ) ), align: 'inline', classes: [ 'rt-tooltipsForCommentsField' ] } ); new TooltippedElement( this.tooltipsForCommentsField.$element.find( '.' + ( COMMENTED_TEXT_CLASS || 'rt-commentedText' ) ) ); this.fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout(); this.fieldset.addItems( [ this.enableField, this.activationMethodField, this.delayField, this.tooltipsForCommentsField ] ); this.panelSettings = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { padded: true, expanded: false } ); this.panelSettings.$element.append( this.fieldset.$element ); this.panelDisabled = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { padded: true, expanded: false } ); this.panelDisabled.$element.append( $( '<table>' ) .addClass( 'rt-disabledHelp' ) .append( $( '<tr>' ).append( $( '<td>' ).append( $( '<img>' ).attr( 'src', '' ) ), $( '<td>' ) .addClass( 'rt-disabledNote' ) .text( mw.msg( 'rt-disabledNote' ) ) ) ) ); this.stackLayout = new OO.ui.StackLayout( { items: [ this.panelSettings, this.panelDisabled ] } ); this.$body.append( this.stackLayout.$element ); }; SettingsDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data ) { return this, data ) .next( function () { this.stackLayout.setItem( this.panelSettings ); this.actions.setMode( 'main' ); }, this ); }; SettingsDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) { var dialog = this; if ( action === 'save' ) { return new OO.ui.Process( function () { var newDelay = Number( dialog.delayInput.getValue() ); enabled = dialog.enableCheckbox.isSelected(); if ( newDelay >= 0 && newDelay <= 5000 ) { delay = newDelay; } activatedByClick = dialog.clickOption.isSelected(); tooltipsForComments = dialog.tooltipsForCommentsCheckbox.isSelected(); setSettingsCookie(); if ( enabled ) { dialog.close(); disableRt(); rt( $content ); } else { dialog.actions.setMode( 'disabled' ); dialog.stackLayout.setItem( dialog.panelDisabled ); disableRt(); addEnableLink(); } } ); } else if ( action === 'deactivated' ) { dialog.close(); } return this, action ); }; SettingsDialog.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () { return this.stackLayout.getCurrentItem().$element.outerHeight( true ); }; tooltip.upToTopParent( function adjustRightAndHide() { if ( this.isPresent ) { if ( this.$element[ 0 ].style.right ) { this.$element.css( 'right', '+=' + ( window.innerWidth - $window.width() ) ); } this.te.hideRef( true ); } } ); if ( !windowManager ) { windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager(); $body.append( windowManager.$element ); } settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog(); windowManager.addWindows( [ settingsDialog ] ); settingsWindow = windowManager.openWindow( settingsDialog ); settingsWindow.opened.then( function () { settingsDialogOpening = false; } ); settingsWindow.closed.then( function () { windowManager.clearWindows(); } ); } var tooltip = this; // This variable can change: one tooltip can be called from a harvard-style reference link // that is put into different tooltips this.te = te; switch ( this.te.type ) { case 'supRef': = 'rt-' + this.te.$originalElement.attr( 'id' ); this.$content = this.te.$ref .contents() .filter( function ( i ) { var $this = $( this ); return ( this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE || !( $ '.mw-cite-backlink' ) || ( i === 0 && // Template:Cnote, Template:Note ( $ 'b' ) || // Template:Note_label $ 'a' ) && $this.attr( 'href' ).indexOf( '#ref' ) === 0 ) ) ) ); } ) .clone( true ); break; case 'harvardRef': = 'rt-' + this.te.$originalElement.closest( 'li' ).attr( 'id' ); this.$content = this.te.$ref .clone( true ) .removeAttr( 'id' ); break; case 'commentedText': = 'rt-' + String( Math.random() ).slice( 2 ); this.$content = $( document.createTextNode( this.te.comment ) ); break; } if ( !this.$content.length ) { return; } this.isInsideWindow = Boolean( this.te.$element.closest( '.oo-ui-window' ).length ); this.$element = $( '<div>' ) .addClass( 'rt-tooltip' ) .attr( 'id', ) .attr( 'role', 'tooltip' ) .data( 'tooltip', this ); var $hoverArea = $( '<div>' ) .addClass( 'rt-hoverArea' ) .appendTo( this.$element ); var $scroll = $( '<div>' ) .addClass( 'rt-scroll' ) .appendTo( $hoverArea ); this.$content = this.$content .wrapAll( '<div>' ) .parent() .addClass( 'rt-content' ) .addClass( 'mw-parser-output' ) .appendTo( $scroll ); if ( !activatedByClick ) { this.$element .mouseenter( function () { if ( !tooltip.disappearing ) { tooltip.upToTopParent( function () {; } ); } } ) .mouseleave( function ( e ) { // workaround. Relying on relatedTarget // alone has pitfalls: when alt-tabbing, relatedTarget is empty too if ( CLIENT_NAME !== 'chrome' || ( !e.originalEvent || e.originalEvent.relatedTarget !== null || !tooltip.clickedTime || $.now() - tooltip.clickedTime > 50 ) ) { tooltip.upToTopParent( function () { this.te.hideRef(); } ); } } ) .click( function () { tooltip.clickedTime = $.now(); } ); } if ( !this.isInsideWindow ) { $( '<a>' ) .addClass( 'rt-settingsLink' ) .attr( 'role', 'button' ) .attr( 'href', '#' ) .attr( 'title', mw.msg( 'rt-settings' ) ) .click( function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( settingsDialogOpening ) { return; } settingsDialogOpening = true; if ( mw.loader.getState( 'oojs-ui' ) !== 'ready' ) { if ( cursorWaitCss ) { cursorWaitCss.disabled = false; } else { cursorWaitCss = mw.util.addCSS( 'body { cursor: wait; }' ); } } mw.loader.using( [ 'oojs', 'oojs-ui' ], openSettingsDialog ); } ) .prependTo( this.$content ); } // Tooltip tail element is inside tooltip content element in order for the tooltip // not to disappear when the mouse is above the tail this.$tail = $( '<div>' ) .addClass( 'rt-tail' ) .prependTo( this.$element ); this.disappearing = false; = function () { this.disappearing = false; clearTimeout( this.te.hideTimer ); clearTimeout( this.te.removeTimer ); this.$element .removeClass( CLASSES.FADE_OUT_DOWN ) .removeClass( CLASSES.FADE_OUT_UP ); if ( !this.isPresent ) { $overlay.append( this.$element ); } this.isPresent = true; }; this.hide = function () { var tooltip = this; tooltip.disappearing = true; if ( tooltip.$element.hasClass( 'rt-tooltip-above' ) ) { tooltip.$element .removeClass( CLASSES.FADE_IN_DOWN ) .addClass( CLASSES.FADE_OUT_UP ); } else { tooltip.$element .removeClass( CLASSES.FADE_IN_UP ) .addClass( CLASSES.FADE_OUT_DOWN ); } tooltip.te.removeTimer = setTimeout( function () { if ( tooltip.isPresent ) { tooltip.$element.detach(); tooltip.$tail.css( 'left', '' ); if ( activatedByClick ) { $ 'click.rt touchstart.rt', tooltip.te.onBodyClick ); } $ 'resize.rt', tooltip.te.onWindowResize ); tooltip.isPresent = false; } }, 200 ); }; this.calculatePosition = function ( ePageX, ePageY ) { var teElement, teOffsets, teOffset, targetTailOffsetX, tailLeft; this.$tail.css( 'left', '' ); teElement = this.te.$element.get( 0 ); if ( ePageX !== undefined ) { targetTailOffsetX = ePageX; teOffsets = ( teElement.getClientRects && teElement.getClientRects() ) || teElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( teOffsets.length > 1 ) { for ( var i = teOffsets.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( ePageY >= Math.round( $window.scrollTop() + teOffsets[ i ].top ) && ePageY <= Math.round( $window.scrollTop() + teOffsets[i].top + teOffsets[ i ].height ) ) { teOffset = teOffsets[ i ]; } } } } if ( !teOffset ) { teOffset = ( teElement.getClientRects && teElement.getClientRects()[ 0 ] ) || teElement.getBoundingClientRect(); } teOffset = { top: $window.scrollTop() +, left: $window.scrollLeft() + teOffset.left, width: teOffset.width, height: teOffset.height }; if ( !targetTailOffsetX ) { targetTailOffsetX = teOffset.left + ( teOffset.width / 2 ); } // Value of `left` in `.rt-tooltip-above .rt-tail` var defaultTailLeft = 19; // Value of `width` in `.rt-tail` var tailSideWidth = 13; // We tilt the square 45 degrees, so we need square root to calculate the distance. var tailWidth = tailSideWidth * Math.SQRT2; var tailHeight = tailWidth / 2; var tailCenterDelta = tailSideWidth + 1 - ( tailWidth / 2 ); var tooltip = this; var getTop = function ( isBelow ) { var delta = isBelow ? teOffset.height + tailHeight : -tooltip.$element.outerHeight() - tailHeight + 1; return + delta; }; this.$element.css( { top: getTop(), left: targetTailOffsetX - defaultTailLeft - tailCenterDelta, right: '' } ); // Is it squished against the right side of the page? if ( this.$element.offset().left + this.$element.outerWidth() > $window.width() - 1 ) { this.$element.css( { left: '', right: 0 } ); tailLeft = targetTailOffsetX - this.$element.offset().left - tailCenterDelta; } // Is a part of it above the top of the screen? if ( < this.$element.outerHeight() + $window.scrollTop() + tailHeight ) { this.$element .removeClass( 'rt-tooltip-above' ) .addClass( 'rt-tooltip-below' ) .addClass( CLASSES.FADE_IN_UP ) .css( { top: getTop( true ) } ); if ( tailLeft ) { this.$tail.css( 'left', ( tailLeft + tailSideWidth ) + 'px' ); } } else { this.$element .removeClass( 'rt-tooltip-below' ) .addClass( 'rt-tooltip-above' ) .addClass( CLASSES.FADE_IN_DOWN ) // A fix for cases when a tooltip shown once is then wrongly positioned when it // is shown again after a window resize. .css( { top: getTop() } ); if ( tailLeft ) { this.$tail.css( 'left', tailLeft + 'px' ); } } }; // Run some function for all the tooltips up to the top one in a tree. Its context will be // the tooltip, while its parameters may be passed to Tooltip.upToTopParent as an array // in the second parameter. If the third parameter passed to ToolTip.upToTopParent is true, // the execution stops when the function in question returns true for the first time, // and ToolTip.upToTopParent returns true as well. this.upToTopParent = function ( func, parameters, stopAtTrue ) { var returnValue, currentTooltip = this; do { returnValue = func.apply( currentTooltip, parameters ); if ( stopAtTrue && returnValue ) { break; } } while ( ( currentTooltip = currentTooltip.parent ) ); if ( stopAtTrue ) { return returnValue; } }; } if ( !enabled ) { addEnableLink(); return; } teSelector = REF_LINK_SELECTOR; if ( tooltipsForComments ) { teSelector += ', ' + COMMENTED_TEXT_SELECTOR; } $content.find( teSelector ).each( function () { new TooltippedElement( $( this ) ); } ); } settingsString = mw.cookie.get( 'RTsettings', '' ); if ( settingsString ) { settings = settingsString.split( '|' ); enabled = Boolean( Number( settings[ 0 ] ) ); delay = Number( settings[ 1 ] ); activatedByClick = true; //activatedByClick = Boolean( Number( settings[ 2 ] ) ); // The forth value was added later, so we provide for a default value. See comments below // for why we use "IS_TOUCHSCREEN && IS_MOBILE". tooltipsForComments = settings[ 3 ] === undefined ? IS_TOUCHSCREEN && IS_MOBILE : Boolean( Number( settings[ 3 ] ) ); } else { enabled = true; delay = 70; // Since the mobile browser check is error-prone, adding IS_MOBILE condition here would probably // leave cases where a user interacting with the browser using touches doesn't know how to call // a tooltip in order to switch to activation by click. Some touch-supporting laptop users // interacting by touch (though probably not the most popular use case) would not be happy too. activatedByClick = true; //activatedByClick = IS_TOUCHSCREEN; // Arguably we shouldn't convert native tooltips into gadget tooltips for devices that have // mouse support, even if they have touchscreens (there are laptops with touchscreens). // IS_TOUCHSCREEN check here is for reliability, since the mobile check is prone to false // positives. tooltipsForComments = IS_TOUCHSCREEN && IS_MOBILE; } mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( rt ); }() );