Streaming Records/vedal987 Channel/2023

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The monthly division below follows London time at the start of the stream.

Click on the specific date in the "UK" column under the "Date" section to access the detailed live record page for that stream.

Color Legend
Solo Session Neuro's Stream Evil's Stream
Twin Session Neuro and Evil's Stream
Developer Session Neuro and Vedal's Stream Evil and Vedal's Stream Vedal's Stream
Others Neuro, Evil, and Vedal's Stream

Whether a stream is a "Collab Stream" depends on whether there are invited guests. Whether it is a "Karaoke Stream" or a "Gaming Stream" is determined by the stream content. Note that a "Gaming Stream" must be combined with another type and cannot be a standalone stream type.

In the "Other Participants" section, the "Guests" column includes individuals other than Neuro, Evil, and Vedal who were either present at the start of the stream or mentioned in the stream preview, usually indicating a "Collab Stream". The "Midway Joiners" column lists individuals not mentioned in the preview but who joined the stream midway via direct participation or through Discord voice chat.

The "North America" date is based on the timezone "UTC-6.5" at the stream's start unless otherwise specified.

In 2023, British Summer Time in London started at 1:00 AM on March 27 (Sunday) and ended at 2:00 AM on October 30 (Sunday), during which London followed the "UTC+1" timezone.


Date Title Streamer Time Type Other Participants Streaming Channel Notes
UK North America Stream Title Guests Midway Joiners
January 1st Neuro-sama - TRAINING TO BEAT MORE OSU PROS Neuro  London: 21:02(UTC)
 New York: 16:02 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 13:02 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
Neuro  London: 21:43(UTC)
 New York: 16:43 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 13:43 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
 vedal987 Stream was cut of at the middle,later stream restarted.[2]
But still had terrible latency and lags that is hard to watch.
January 4th[3] Neuro-sama - AI PLAYS MINECRAFT[4] BECAUSE AKATSUKI[1] IS DOWN Neuro  London: 2:02(UTC)
 New York: -3:02 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: -6:02 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
 vedal987 The actually game is osu!.
Be regarded as stream on January 3th by official vod.
Neuro  London: 23:26(UTC)
 New York: 18:26 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 15:26 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
 vedal987 Stream was cut of at the middle,later stream restarted.[5]
But still had terrible latency and lags.
January 5th Neuro-sama - MINECRAFT RULE Neuro  London: 23:35(UTC)
 New York: 18:35 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 15:35 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 6th Neuro-sama - NEW CHAT AI AND MEMORY Neuro  London: 23:26(UTC)
 New York: 18:26 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 15:26 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 7th Neuro-sama - SLAY THE SPIRE TEST STREAM Neuro  London: 23:26(UTC)
 New York: 18:26 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 15:26 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 8th Neuro-sama - GOING FOR NEW TOP PLAY Neuro  London: 23:26(UTC)
 New York: 18:26 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 15:26 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 10th[6] vedal987 - Twitch
(vedal987 - Twitch)
Neuro  London: 1:40(UTC)
 New York: -4:40 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: -7:40 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 10th[7] Neuro-sama - (SHORT) MINECRAFT STREAM Neuro  London: 9:39(UTC)
 New York: 4:39 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 1:39 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 11th [8] Neuro-sama - (SHORT) MINECRAFT STREAM Neuro  London: 0:42(UTC)
 New York: -5:42 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: -8:42 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
 vedal987 Cause Neuro's inappropriate politically speech,the channel got banned on Twitch.
January 25th vedal987 - Twitch
(vedal987 - Twitch)
Neuro  London: 13:50(UTC)
 New York: 8:50 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 5:50 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
 vedal987 The first stream after unbanned.
January 26th Neuro-sama - CHILL POKEMON STREAM Neuro  London: 18:39(UTC)
 New York: 13:39 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 10:39 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 27th Neuro-sama - CHILL POKEMON STREAM Neuro  London: 19:33(UTC)
 New York: 14:33 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 11:33 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 28th vedal987 - Twitch
(vedal987 - Twitch)
Neuro  London: 19:23(UTC)
 New York: 14:23 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 11:23 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 29th vedal987 - Twitch
(vedal987 - Twitch)
Neuro-sama - BACK TO OSU
Neuro  London: 18:37(UTC)
 New York: 13:37 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 10:37 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 30th Neuro-sama - AI VTUBER PLAYS MINECRAFT Neuro  London: 18:00(UTC)
 New York: 13:00 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 10:00 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
January 31st Neuro-sama - AI VTUBER PLAYS MINECRAFT (CHILL) (SINGING A BANGER TODAY) Neuro  London: 20:27(UTC)
 New York: 15:27 (UTC-5)
 Vancouver: 12:27 (UTC-8)
Solo Stream、
Gaming Stream
 vedal987 Neuro first time singing.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Unknown reference.Didn't know what is“AKATSUKI”for.
  2. Stream was cut of at the middle,it restarted at London Time 22:01 January 2nd,2023.
  3. Be regarded as stream on January 3th by official vod.(Midnight Confusion)
  4. The actually game is osu!
  5. Stream was cut of at the middle,it restarted at London Time23:41 January 4th,2023.
  6. Be regarded as the first stream on January 9th by official vod.(Midnight Confusion)
  7. Be regarded as the second stream on January 9th by official vod.(Midnight Confusion)
  8. Be regarded as the rest of the second stream on January 9th by official vod.(Midnight Confusion)