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Template:Dependency declaration/doc: Revision history

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Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, m = minor edit.

1 November 2024

  • curprev 12:2912:29, 1 November 2024Selfice talk contribsm 1,699 bytes 0 1 revision imported
  • curprev 00:2600:26, 1 November 2024Selfice talk contribs 1,699 bytes +1,699 创建页面,内容为“{{documentation header}} <!-- 文档页面 --> {{shortcut|dd}} 此模板用于在文档页面中声明此页面所依赖的页面情况。 == 用法 == 建议使用行内样式。 === 基本用法 === {{tcd|dd|页面名称}} === 完整用法 === {{tcd|dd|页面名称|描述信息|4=hidden=是否隐藏|5=nocat=是否加入分类}} * {{p|1}}:必填(字符串),此页面所依赖的页面名称,不指定命名空间且前无冒号时默认链接到{{cd…”